Good Shepherd
A passionate, grassroots Jesus community
Worship: 10:30 AM every Sunday

Good Shepherd – A Church in the Y
We are a community on a journey to fulfill our mission statement, Living and Sharing Jesus as a grassroots, passionate Jesus-community that witnesses to the Resurrection for the sake of the world.
This means that in every breath we take, with every new project we start, with every new person we meet, what we have to offer is Jesus. We have the privilege of taking his story, and what he means to us, to every person we encounter.
As members of this church and of the body of Christ, we acknowledge that our life IS Jesus, there is no separation, and our call is to share Jesus with everyone, by everything we do.
We are “a grassroots, passionate Jesus-community that witnesses to the Resurrection for the sake of the world!” Come and journey with us.
We are a church in the YMCA. In 2020, we welcomed the Rockford YMCA to share our building as a Youth Center for the neighborhood. at the end of 2022, we gave our building to the YMCA to become the Good Shepherd YMCA. 50 children or more call Good Shepherd their second home after school and during school breaks. But we are not going anywhere: we got to stay as a small part of the good things happening for the community at the Good Shepherd Y!

About Us

Worship with Us
Good Shepherd is a congregation committed to excellence in inspiring worship…

Serve with Us
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(815) 977-5116
10:30 am
Good Shepherd
1829 N. Rockton Avenue
Rockford, IL 61103