Dear members and friends of our Good Shepherd,
This past Sunday I got a great surprise—when I asked the children to come forward for the children’s message, a whole bunch of people came forward, of all ages—over 20! I guess it was planned the Sunday I was out with the stomach flu—that was one of the most fun children’s messages I’ve ever experienced. Thank you—that’s reason #963 that I am so thankful for being your pastor.
There are good things afoot at Good Shepherd! Our church council had a retreat in April, where we faced the challenges that we—and most churches in North America—need to tackle. It is time to be creative and think outside the box, and make connections with other congregations and community organizations. There is so much we can do together. The point is not to do more and more, adding more and more programs for our volunteers to do (and get burned out). The point is to find what gives us life and joy and is effective in helping us share the love of Jesus with the world. Some of the things we have been doing may need to be done differently. This is an exciting, hopeful time to be the church, to follow Jesus into new uncharted waters. It’s our adventure of faith! We will have opportunities for the whole congregation to join in discerning where God is calling us today and into the future.
It is finally spring! It is the springtime of the year, and the springtime of our life together—that is our hope grounded in the resurrection of Jesus!
Living and Sharing Jesus,
Pastor Eric