Dear members and friends of Good Shepherd,
Summer is a time of rejuvenation and renewal, both for us and for our life together at a people of God. This is a time to re-think and dream what we can do and be together. Some plans and dreams for the fall include:
- A Community Rummage Sale
- An after-school Homework Club for West Middle School children, in partnership with other organizations in the community
- A Homecoming Sunday later in the fall, where we invite people back to Good Shepherd for worship and a celebration
- A re-imagined all ages family Sunday School hour, meeting in the sanctuary (with the chairs moved aside), with music, games, activities, and learning rolled into one
- An adult learning hour at 6pm on Wednesdays, open to the public, including a light dinner
- The same adult learning hour offered during the day—possibly at Wesley Willows
- Daily devotional offerings shared via email, Facebook, website, and in print
What are your dreams for our life together at Good Shepherd? What would you like to see us doing and being? Living and sharing Jesus is not always easy, but it is always joy. For me, the last couple of years have been hard, with the loss of my dad, and my mom on hospice. And yet, these are also years of great joy—blessing our children as they continue to grow up and move on to college, deepening our friendships at church and in Rockford, growing closer to our Good Shepherd who walks with us especially during the hard times and brings us through them. I believe that, as we weather the storms of change in this tumultuous times, God is will continue to bless our community through us, and bless us through the community as we meet Christ in our neighbors.
God’s Spirit bless you with peace and joy, Pastor Eric